

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

In the News: Travel Sketching


My sketch made in Amsterdam in 2019.

The Seattle Times recently featured several USk Seattle members, including me, in an article about travel sketching. Although writer Colleen Stinchcombe didn’t relate our sketching experiences directly to urban sketching, I don’t make much distinction between the two. After all, travel sketching is nothing more than urban sketching while away from home. In any case, I was thrilled that one of my sketches from Amsterdam was included.

The print edition was published Nov. 27. You can read the full article online. And of course, my blog has many posts related to my experiences sketching on my travels.


  1. I enjoyed reading the article when you first posted the link. I think it is so great that travel sketching is becoming so popular. Like you, I think it is really just urban sketching in a different location.

  2. So glad that your wonderful Urban sketching is in print!
