

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Krispy Kreme


5/11/21 Krispy Kreme, Aurora Ave. N.

If I had to choose a favorite, it would not be Krispy Kreme. I much prefer Top Pot Doughnuts (my top pick for celebrating National Donut Day) and Milkvue Donuts, both of which I’ve sketched and enjoyed multiple times. Still, I don’t recall ever declining a free donut, so I had no complaints about visiting my nearest Krispy Kreme and proudly presenting my Vaccination Record Card to receive one.

The sky was clear, the temperature was in the mid-60s, the top was down on the Miata. Scarfing down my free donut as I sketched, I had no doubt: Life is good.


  1. I'm jealous!! We don't have any within a reasonable driving distance. lol

  2. Krispy Kreme has come and gone in CT for some reason....a few opened up several years back (and I waited an hour in line on opening day). But they haven't lasted and none close by. We are lucky to have some really really good independent donut shops around. As I learn and improve my drawing, I'll have to make them my subjects!
