

Monday, July 20, 2020

Nothing But a Blip

7/14/20 Mt. Rainier from Maple Leaf Park

I’m not a parent anxiously wondering whether I have to send my kids to a classroom this fall. I don’t have elderly parents in quarantined facilities that prevent me from visiting. I don’t have health conditions that make me more vulnerable to COVID-19. I don’t even have to go to work and put myself at risk every day.

Yet sometimes I think about all the things I can’t do anymore and start feeling sorry for myself (and for the wretched state of our country). That’s when I walk up to Maple Leaf Park early on a clear morning. I know that seeing Mt. Rainier will give me a needed pop upside my head. She will let me know that during all the millennia she’s seen, many have suffered far worse than I have, and many more will suffer worse in the future. What we are going through now is nothing but a miniscule blip in the vast universe of time and space.


  1. Great sketch of Mt. Rainier, and thanks for the uplifting words!

    1. Thank you, Cathy! Mt. Rainier lifts my spirits whenever I see her... I wanted to pass that along!

  2. Certain places give us a definite lift to our spirits, so thank your for sharing yours. Yes, what we are going through is just a blip...but it is our blip and sometimes so hard to deal with. I know we will get through this but sometimes it seems nearly impossible. I need a trip to the reset my spirits.

    1. We will get through this. I hope you can get to the beach soon... I can tell from your sketches there that it's a special place for you.
