

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Uncomfortable Chairs at PCC Market

2/6/20 Salad bar at Green Lake PCC Market
2/6/20 Lunchtime patron

I haven’t been going lately to Zoka Coffee, my former favorite sketching coffee shop. Unless I get there when it opens, every table is taken by free wi-fi squatters who seem to stay all day conducting everything from employee interviews to staff meetings (not to mention scrolling through their endless Facebook feeds).

I’m looking for a new regular place I can count on for sketching. On this very rainy afternoon, I tried the dining area at my neighborhood PCC Market. A huge benefit of this food store is underground parking, so I can pull out of my own garage and into theirs without getting wet at all. The downside is that the chairs are very hard and uncomfortable, so no one wants to sit long, including me.

It won’t become a regular place, but with the Atmospheric River still flowing, it was good enough this time.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing worse than uncomfortable chairs so you don't want to stay put.
