

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


4/29/19 25-min. pose

Gage Academy is adjacent to the Bright Water Waldorf School. Whenever I attend life drawing sessions at Gage, at some point, the adjacent playground will suddenly explode with the screams, shouts and other noises of a gazillion kids released for recess. In the otherwise quiet studio, we are suddenly shaken from whatever thoughts we were having about our current drawing, and most of us can’t help but laugh at the children’s exuberance.

I can’t say that drawing makes me scream and shout; it requires too much thinking for that. I don’t experience it as uncorking hours of pent-up energy as kids escaping a classroom probably do. But focusing all my observational skills on the model and trying my best to turn a line into a form as accurately as possible, I can’t think of many activities that make me as happy. For me, drawing is a silent exuberance.

5/8/19 20-min. pose
4/29/19 15-min. pose

5/8/19 1-min. poses
5/20/19 20-min. pose

5/20/19 2-min. poses


  1. For me, figure drawing requires a lot of concentration. I think the sounds of the kids would be a welcome break. Your shading is getting really good and shows the form and weight of the models. Nice!!

    1. Thank you, Joan! I went to life drawing fairly in the winter and spring, but now that outdoor-sketching weather is finally here, I probably won't be getting as much practice! ;-)
