

Friday, February 2, 2018

No Shadows

1/31/18 Maple Leaf neighborhood
I don’t know what’s going on in Punxsutawney today, but if Phil lived here, he certainly wouldn’t be seeing his shadow. Whenever I can find a dry moment, I hop into my car and drive around the neighborhood looking for something – anything – to sketch. With a toned-paper book, limited color, and no sun, it’s tough.

People I follow on Instagram who live in other parts of the country are reporting sightings of robins, buds and even tiny blossoms. Nothin’ but winter here. 

Any signs of spring in your neck of the woods?

1/13/18 Wedgwood neighborhood


  1. Robins, buds and tiny flowers in West Seattle. Must be our special microclimate.

    1. Whaaat?? No fair. Nothing but bleakness here in Maple Leaf. :-(

  2. The only signs of life where I live are the snowblower tracks on my driveway :-) Funny thing, though, this time of year we get sunny days and so have shadows. The problem is that it's -16C and windy and this sketcher is too much of a wimp to sketch outside :-)

    1. -16C? I'd leave that for the ice fishermen. ;-)

    2. Yep, hard to understand why anyone lives here. But it's going to snow which means it will warm up. And it's true, it has to warm up here for it to snow. Weird place, planet Quebec.

  3. The bare tree branches of winter giving way to budding green leaves here in Bothell, seeing squirrels around neighborhood too!!

    1. Aww, no fair again! Everywhere but here in Maple Leaf??! Maybe I need to look harder. . .

  4. Love your use of white in these sketches. No, there are no signs of spring unless you want to count the melting snow. lol We are still bundled up and my new down coat is getting a lot of use.

    1. I know you're sketching a lot in your car too, just like me! I guess that's how we'll both get through the long winter.
