

Monday, March 6, 2017

#Oneweek100people2017 Begins!

3/6/17 brush pen
Are you participating in #Oneweek100people2017, the online challenge initiated by Marc Holmes and Liz Steel? I am! It’s not limited to urban sketching – you can make selfies, draw from photos or TV or, of course, draw from life. I’m going to sketch from life on location whenever I can (but if I run out of time at the end of the week, I might resort to selfies).

Making a hundred sketches of people in five days is somewhat challenging, but not if you lower your standards. 😉 As Marc says, “The goal is PRACTICE. Not perfection” (and that guy just did his 100 sketches in one day!). A little pressed for time today, I dashed over to our neighborhood mall’s food court at noon and sketched 28 people in about 50 minutes. Some were individual portraits, and a couple sketches were of groups. I think I could easily finish the challenge during a week of lunch breaks. (Frankly, I think Marc needs to up his game next year and make 500 sketches! 😜)
3/6/17 brush pen

My goal for this challenge (and actually, almost any time I sketch a person from life) is to make as few marks as possible and still evoke an individual – through expression, gesture or posture – and not a generic symbol. I wasnt always successful today, but thats my goal. And, of course, the primary goal is to have fun! Join me, and remember to share online with the hashtag #Oneweek100people2017.

3/6/17 brush pen


  1. Congrats on getting 28 done in one day...and I thought I did well getting in 21. You're using your brush pen like I am. I think it helps to make you ignore the details.

    1. Yes, the brush pen is ideal for avoiding details and also for sketching quickly! Now I'll trot over to your blog and see what you did! Hope you're having as much fun as I am!

  2. I'm so impressed - I saw Marc's post too and I guess we shouldn't be surprised he finished so quickly, but still....... I look forward to seeing everything else you do this week!

    1. Thanks, Terrie! It's challenging but also a ton of fun! :-)
