

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Yoga in the Park

6/14/16 brush pen
In the summer, my yoga instructor Fran Gallo offers a Tuesday evening class in the Wallingford neighborhood’s Meridian Park. Yesterday I decided to join the class, but not for my usual downward dogs and sun salutations. Instead, Fran and her students graciously allowed me to sketch them.

When I’m attending class myself, I’m focused on my own breath and form (or how creaky and inflexible I’m feeling!), so I hardly notice what others are doing. But with sketchbook and brush pen, I could focus on the beautiful grace and movement of yoga. Although they didn’t hold each pose for more than a few seconds, Fran led her students through a series of rhythmic, repeated poses, so if I missed one gesture, I knew I would see it again. I especially enjoyed capturing the partnered poses – two students making a symmetrical form as they helped support and balance each other.
6/14/16 brush pen, colored pencil

On that cold and windy evening (I should have joined them in a few triangles and warrior poses myself to stay warm!), I filled 12 pages of my sketchbook with small gesture sketches as Fran and her students practiced among the trees. (See my sketches from early last year when Fran invited me to sketch her class at the Yogalife studio.)

Updated 6/17/16: Here's Fran's blog post about the class!


  1. Wonderful! Thank you for doing these beautiful sketches. Next time you come to sketch, and I hope there will be a next time, let's hope for a warm day and then I will hold poses longer. I was trying to keep everyone warm on June-uary 14th in Seattle!

    1. Thanks for letting me sketch your class, Fran! I don't mind the short poses -- I enjoy the challenge! A warmer day would definitely be better. ;-)

      - Tina
