

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Man Gets Around

6/16/16 ink, colored pencils, Strathmore toned paper
In the nearly five years that I’ve been sketching, farmers markets have always been among my most favorite summer places to sketch. I enjoy sketching colorful flower vendors and fruit stalls, but by far my favorite subject is buskers. A few return every year and circulate to the various neighborhood markets, and one I’ve sketched perhaps more often than any other is P. K. Dwyer. Jammin’ on his harmonica and guitar, this one-man band sings a bluesy mix of original tunes, always wearing his trademark hat. Here he is in 2013 and 2012. Another time on a rainy day, I sketched him from the back, trying to stay dry.

Last Thursday at the Lake City Market, I had already finished shopping for berries and was on my way out, but I stopped for another sketch of P. K. just starting his set.


  1. How fun that you encounter the same busker year after year! Nice sketch of him.
