

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My 104 Seconds of Fame

6/15/16 brush pen, Gelly Roll
My red Field Notes sketches were mentioned on the Erasable podcast June 15! (OK, so I’m easily thrilled, but it’s still an honor to be recognized by the stationery community where I spend so much of my online time!) Hosts and pencil gurus Johnny Gamber and Andy Welfle and their guest host Ana Reinert (whose blog, The Well-Appointed Desk, is one of my favorites) were discussing the Sweet Tooth edition, and they thought of me. Give it a listen, especially around 29:40.

6/27/16 brush pen, Gelly Roll
6/17/16 brush pen, Gelly Roll, white colored pencil
6/3/16 brush pen, Gelly Roll