

Monday, April 11, 2016

Loyal Heights

4/11/16 ink, watercolor
That’s the problem with gorgeous weather: You get a few days of it, and you start to feel entitled. And then you feel resentful when you’re back to sketching from your car again. Oh, well. The weather will improve again eventually.

My friends on Facebook let me know whenever they see trees trimmed by the utility companies. Laura had mentioned a street in the Loyal Heights neighborhood a few miles west of me that she said was full of such trees. Three tall firs standing together caught my attention this afternoon, but I have several more on the same street to capture another time.

On the opposite side of the street directly in front of me were a couple more tall firs that I could have put into the same composition, but I felt like putting them into my red Field Notes instead.

4/11/16 brush pen, white Gelly Roll pen

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