

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Birthday, Elvis!

1/8/16 brush pen, colored pencil
If the Friday sketchers hadn’t met at Top Pot Doughnuts this morning, I probably would have gone through the day unaware that today is Elvis’s birthday. But thankfully we did meet at the shop’s West Seattle location on Alki Avenue, where the “hand-forged” doughnut company was recognizing what would have been the King’s 81st birthday. I decided to pass on the King’s Rings (maple-frosted doughnuts encrusted with thick squares of bacon), but there was plenty else to sketch in the large yet cozy space.

During a typical 2.5 hour sketch outing, I tend to do two or three sketches. Today I felt like doing a series of small sketches. I even ventured outside the store for one sketch of the street, but that didn’t last long (my phone weather app said it was 37 F).

The last time I sketched Elvis was three years ago at Drawing Jam. Thinking that the King’s Rings might prompt an appearance, I was ready, but no Elvis was sighted. Maybe next year.

1/8/16 ink, colored pencil, sticker

1/8/16 brush pen, colored pencil

1/8/16 ink, brush pen, colored pencil

1/8/16 ink, colored pencil


  1. I like your use of the colored pencil to give the sketches depth. Good idea!

  2. Great brush pen drawings, Tina. I love the 'hand-forged' donuts :-)
