

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

In-Car Sketching Season is Under Way

11/25/15 ink, watercolor, colored pencil, Zig marker
It’s that time of year: The only way I can sketch outdoors is when I’m in my car. I can’t complain; my mobile studio is far better than none.

Here are a few trees I’ve captured from my car since I’ve been home from Japan. Two are the usual power-line hack jobs. And one shows a newly revealed nest in a traffic circle.

11/28/15 inks, Zig marker
12/2/15 ink, colored pencil, Zig marker

1 comment:

  1. I like how you showed the mass of that second tree. The mobile studio comes in very handy. I use mine a lot. lol Good job on these trimmed trees!
