

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fiber Optics is Coming to Maple Leaf

3/17/15 various inks, watercolor, Caran d'Ache Museum water-soluble
colored pencils, Zig marker, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
For the past several weeks, we’ve been seeing a lot of cherry-picker trucks and linemen in our neighborhood. No matter which way we turn, workers are blocking the way, diverting traffic or otherwise slowing things down. Greg finally walked over to one of the linemen last week to find out what’s going on, and apparently Centurylink is finally putting fiber optics in the area.

Coming home from a meeting this morning, I saw this crew at work on the Northeast 82nd block of Fifth Northeast – and a parking spot on the cross street with an almost perfect view. Whenever these crews are in the way, they seem to take a long, long time, but today, while I was frantically trying to finish this sketch, they worked remarkably fast! Too fast, in fact, for me to get the details on the truck.

Oh, well – at least you heard it here first: Fiber optics is coming to Maple Leaf!


  1. Next time they hold up your journey, you need to grab your sketchbook, that'll speed them up, lol.
    Love your sketch of the guys working.

  2. I love how when you want them to stick around for a while they get going. lol Nice sketch of the action.
