

Monday, March 4, 2013

(Nearly) Bare Nekkid Maples

3/4/13 Platinum Sepia ink, watercolor, Zig marker, Stillman & Birn Gamma sketchbook
The temperature was only 49, but rain is predicted again for tomorrow, so I took the top down and headed for Green Lake.
This stand of maples is one of my favorites there – bright green in summer, a blaze of orange and red in the autumn. I sketched them twice last year – once in October and then again in November – because they seemed to be dressed in their fall finery long past their usual deadline. The tallest tree in the center of this sketch was in denial even longer than I was; it held onto red leaves at its very top all the way into December. Today I was surprised to see that that same tree and a couple of others still had a few brown leaves. I like their attitude – going into winter kickin’ and screamin’. My hunch is that they’ll be the first to get their green on come spring.

As for me – I was chilled to the bone by the time I finished this sketch. It ain’t here yet.


  1. Glad you got out into the sun. Top down on the car! Good sketch. It was warmer where I was.... 58 degrees and no jacket needed. What a day. Looks like we could have similar for Friday.

  2. Nice!!! they look like they are standing guard.

    I am down in SC and it hasn't been warm enough to take off my winter coat yet. Where is spring???
