

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Deductive Reasoning

3/7/13 Private Reserve Velvet Black ink, Hand Book journal
This week’s Urban Sketchers Flickr group theme is “Students.” As we all know, I spend a lot of time sketching people of all ages in coffee shops, some of whom are probably students. But to be more precise in fitting the theme, I decided to go to the Northgate branch of the Seattle Public Library, where I thought my chances of catching a student actually studying (as opposed to simply surfing on the free wi-fi tide) would be higher.
My subject in question fit the profile: increasingly slumped posture, frequent yawning and stretching, laptop on the table, backpack on the floor. My keen powers of observation and deductive reasoning zeroed in on the key clue: On the laptop screen was a text-based document – not Facebook. Bingo.

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