

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Green Lake Sequoia

3/1/25 Green Lake neighborhood

Known as the Green Lake sequoia, a 121-year-old, 100-foot-tall, perfectly healthy tree will likely be cut down for a driveway as part of a development. This is happening all over Seattle because of city laws that allow it. The sequoia’s neighbors and other tree supporters gathered last Saturday afternoon to thank and honor this magnificent tree. The event also raised awareness of actions citizens can take to voice their concerns to city hall.

Looking up and down the block, I saw no other tree close to this one in fullness and height. According to Tree Action Seattle, a citizen activist group that organized the “birthday party,” this sequoia offers a regular resting spot for bald eagles, provides a much-needed buffer against heat and pollution coming from nearby Interstate 5, and filters stormwater that flows into Green Lake, which is only three blocks away.


  1. It makes me cringe every time I think about them chopping down perfectly healthy, vital trees!!! They are so important to the health of our communities.

    1. Yes, it's heartbreaking.... and happening all over our city. :-(
