

Monday, February 3, 2025

Thoughts on Social Media and Blogging


1/16/25 During the holidays, I donated to a food drive organized by
a neighborhood cake bakery. In exchange for my donation, I was 
given a coupon that I could redeem in January for a free slice of cake!

Many friends and others I follow on Facebook and Instagram are leaving those platforms due to recent changes in how our data are used, political stances of the platforms’ owners, and other significant reasons. I’ve long been ambivalent about all social media, and these changes are only deepening my concerns. I haven’t decided when or whether I’ll leave Facebook or Instagram, but for now, I’m staying. If I do leave, I will likely simply stay off social media altogether rather than flee to Bluesky as others are doing. I’m sure it’s better than FB and IG now, but who’s to say it won’t get gobbled up by a nefarious entity a few years down the line, and then we’d be back where we started. (That’s how I ended up on Instagram – it was seen as the social media darling that was so much better than Facebook – until it became Facebook.)

1/27/25 Light rail commuter, northbound
Regardless of my eventual decisions about any of that, what I am certain about is that I will continue to blog here indefinitely. My blog doesn’t serve the same purposes as social media (and sadly, it does not help me stay connected to certain people I would otherwise probably lose touch with if we weren’t on Facebook, which is one reason I remain there). But it has always been more satisfying to me to blog than to participate in social media. If it weren’t, I would not have kept this up nearly daily for close to 13 years (long, long past the point when blogging was declared dead).

Even though I don’t know most of my blog readers any more than I do my Instagram followers, I somehow feel safer and less vulnerable here on my blog compared to being “out there.” I share many things here that I don’t share on Facebook or Instagram. Most important to me, my blog gives me the space and time to reflect and think and write and revise (and proofread carefully!), none of which is easily possible when I’m trying to type with my finger and dodge autocorrections on my phone screen.

1/27/25 Light rail commuter, southbound
Anyway, this is all just a long-winded, thinking-aloud preamble to my real message today, which is to thank you for your readership. Whether you’ve been with me since the beginning or joined me more recently, I appreciate that you come along on my daily mutterings about sketching, pencils, walking, downsizing, my creative process or whatever else I’m going on about. I’d still be muttering here even if you weren’t reading, but it does make me happy to know that you are.

(Sketches shown here are apropos of nothing, but perhaps they reflect the rambling nature of today’s post.)

1/28/25 Roofers, Maple Leaf neighborhood


  1. So glad you are still going to blog! This is so much more satisfying and enriching to read vs FB or Instagram. I’m on FB too because of family out of state and it’s a way to keep up to date with them.

    1. Thank you for being a long-time reader, Cathy! I'm sad about how few people blog anymore... I used to follow many that I really enjoyed, but they all quit when social media came around. Ironically, some artists are now moving to Substack so that they can blog!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you will continue blogging. I miss some of the people that stopped blogging, but it does take a bit of time so I can understand. I will stay on FB and IG too. I use social media to connect with family, so for now I will continue.

    1. I would really miss the connections with friends and family on FB/IG, so it would be hard to leave. But I'm liking those platforms less and less these days.

  3. I am so with you. It's exactly how I feel about all these issues you've raised, and especially how I feel about my own blogging. Felt like you'd gotten into my head and wrote down everything that was there - lol. I belong to too many excellent groups on FB plus have my only contact with a few people I really care about to go running off to yet another social media platform. I've always pointed out to the people who complain about FB and its owner that it is a free service so on one level you should be grateful it's there for you to use and works as well as it does. Anyway, I will hang in there until it becomes untenable and continue blogging right along with you.

    1. It's such a dilemma, and I guess that's the downside of using a "free" platform (that we pay for in other ways).
