

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Helpful Hardware Store


1/4/25 Maple Leaf Ace Hardware 

The Maple Leaf Ace Hardware store, which I have sketched many times over the years, is a quintessential neighborhood store. Although the family-owned franchise changed ownership a few years ago, some staff people have been working there almost as long as I’ve been going there (35-plus years). Greg used to be the one who did most of our shopping there, but now it’s my go-to, too, when I need the one random thing to finish a task. It’s the kind of place where I can walk in, say, “I need those stick-on things that you put on the ottoman feet to keep them from scratching the floor and also to keep it from sliding – do you have those?” And they walk you to the right aisle. I could never, ever get that kind of service at Home Depot (let alone Amazon).

Walking up to Ace to pick up the quart of custom-mixed paint I had ordered the previous day, I stopped first to make this sketch. The store was still decked out in holiday lights and a huge lighted wreath. Long live neighborhood hardware stores.

Technical note: This is the kind of building I actually don’t enjoy drawing. Despite its mostly plainish look (other than the prominent, triangular façade), the perspective is not easy if I were to care about getting it right. My current comic-y style really saves me in this regard. Instead of fussing with a pencil and getting annoyed when the result is wonky, I go straight in with the marker and embrace whatever results. Long live comics!


  1. Nice sketch of the hardware store. Before we moved out here we had a real, old-fashioned hardware store in Lynbrook...and they had everything imaginable and always knew what I was looking for. The one here is good, but it isn't quite the same.

    1. It's nice having a store like this .... I like the "community" feeling. I sometimes run into my neighbors and other friends at this store!

  2. had one of these years ago- it got dustier, more decrepit and stranger every year unfortunately- killed off by Home Depot, Amazon, Lowes... the woman "staffing" it was always at the 7-11 across the busy street and the stock was not replaced. It is a ghost store now, next to two booming gas stations. I always winder if the owner flat out died and no one has considered buying it.

    1. I think that happens a lot, sadly. That's why I'm so grateful that "my" Ace Hardware is still very much alive and appreciated by the neighborhood!
