

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Too-Sunny Lake Forest Park Farmers Market


8/4/24 Lake Forest Park Farmers Market (I liked how the lumpia vendor was shouting out her wares like a carnival barker.)

While many businesses and venues fizzled out during the pandemic, one type seems to have flourished – farmers markets. Maybe it’s the outdoor nature of them that kept them going during the early pandemic years. In any case, just as I had noticed that the Edmonds Summer Market seems to have grown in recent years, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market has grown significantly since I was last there (which, granted, was long before the pandemic). Roy, Janet, Mark and I met up last Sunday morning to check it out.

A shady spot next to a bike shop was a premium find!

A fun but overheated morning!

Although it’s a major player now in the community farmers market network, Lake Forest Park lacks one important quality: Shade! The temps were only in the high 70s and low 80s, but that’s still too hot when the only shade to be found is under one tree. Janet scored a good spot there right away. I squeezed in briefly later. It was definitely a competitive spot, as shoppers needing a break or a place to sit while eating all raced to the same tree. At one point, while I stood sketching, a man asked me if I would move so that he and his kids could sit there. Good thing I was almost done!

Needless to say, all of my compositions were chosen based on whether I could squeeze into a sliver a shade to get the sketch. The only exceptions were the dogs, whom I followed around the market to catch. The one wearing the birthday hat was my favorite sketch of the day. I mean, who could resist that?


  1. Many of the farmers markets lack shade, probably because they are often in open areas so the tents can be set up. But they need to think about the artists too. lol Nice captures of the day. I like the pup with the birthday hat too!

    1. Also, when vendors sell food to eat on the spot, it's hard to eat without anywhere to sit in the shade! So not just the artists need shade. ;-)
