

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Skyscapito Slacker


Here it is nearly the end of August, and I have only a few sunset skyscapitos since spring! What a slacker I’ve been. I knew I wouldn’t be sketching sunrise during the summer, but when the sun doesn’t go down until 9:30 p.m. around the solstice, you’d think I would have sketched more sunsets.

My only excuse is that I often take short walks around dusk during the summer, and I don’t sketch when it’s just a quick 10 or 15 minutes around the block (of course, the April 16 and July 13 sketches were made during some of those walks; so much for that excuse).

It’s not for lack of looking out the window at the right time – I almost always at least take a glance for color – but it’s been a ho-hum summer that way. In July we enjoyed (and then started to worry about) endless weeks of cloudless skies. August has been better, but where have I been? Apparently not at the right window at the right time.

The very good news, though, is that we’ve had a nearly smoke-free summer so far (knock, knock). I’m grateful not to have that kind of terrible beauty to sketch.


  1. The one from 6/2/24 really glows on the blue page!

    1. Thanks! I thought it was the perfect use of that dark blue Uglybook!
