

Friday, August 2, 2024

More Ravenna Street Trees


7/15/24 Ravenna neighborhood

When I think of the Ravenna neighborhood, I assume it’s the area a bit too far south and east to walk to and back home within 60 minutes (my typical daily walking duration). However, according to the neighborhood boundaries indicated in Taha Ebrahimi’s book, Street Trees of Seattle, many trees technically in Ravenna are in easy walking distance. Last time I drove to the area where several trees were, but I was able to sketch these by walking directly from home.

While sketching the old Yoshino cherry tree (on the blue page), I had a nice chat with a nearby resident who was watering her garden. I had noticed that this Yoshino wasn’t alone; the whole block was filled with old cherry trees. Indeed, she confirmed that they are gorgeous in spring. Duly noted for next year!

The western hemlock below is the second-widest hemlock street tree in Seattle.  

7/25/24 Ravenna neighborhood

7/26/24 Ravenna neighborhood
(My "negative" note on the edge refers to testing negative for COVID that morning.
I had heard that numerous Sketcher Fest participants had tested positive after the event;
I was relieved to have dodged the bullet.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you tested negative. Each of these trees have such a nice, distinctive silhouette. Nicely done!
