

Monday, June 24, 2024

Tangletown Cheese Boat


6/19/24 Tangletown Public House, Green Lake neighborhood

If you read my haiku in yesterday’s post, you may be curious about the “cheese boat.” I was curious, too, when I saw it on Tangletown Public House’s menu. Taking a break for lunch after sketching nearby street trees, I had previously eaten at Tangletown years ago – long before the pandemic – and the menu had been upgraded significantly from the typical appetizers offered with brews. A cheese boat is described as “a Georgian Khachapuri, a cheese stuffed baked bread.” I chose the Green Lake version, which came with eggs and scallions. It’s like a calzone that someone forgot to fold over – and overstuffed with cheese! After walking more than 11k steps, I happily wolfed down my day’s minimum requirement of calcium.

What you see remaining on the plate is the part I took home for a couple more meals!

Material note: My magenta Uglybook is full, and I’ve moved on to one of my all-time favorite Uglybook colors, grunge green. It’s an ideal midtone between black and white. My eyeballs, however, are still seared from that bright magenta, so it’s going to take a minute to adjust to green again.

1 comment:

  1. I like the green uglybook as a base for your sketches. This looks very interesting...sort of like a pizza/calzone.
