

Friday, May 10, 2024

Pink Dogwood (and Comics Lesson)


5/5/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Chilly and wet on a recent drizzly walk, I wasn’t excited about getting even colder by pausing to sketch. However, a pink dogwood I had admired on previous walks was at peak, and I knew that the coming storm would likely take down a lot of petals. It was now or never.

Process note: As I put in the dark green background behind the tree to make the blossoms stand out, I chuckled to myself about the irony: Learning to put in solid, dark backgrounds in the comics pages I have been making has taught me “not to be afraid of the dark” (quoting Roy). That’s what creativity is: Learning one thing teaches me another.


  1. It’s an honor to be mentioned in your wonderful post, Tina! 😎
