

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

H Mart Food Court


4/25/24 H Mart food court, Lynnwood

Roy and I are both on fire with diary comics
. This time we met at the H Mart food court in Lynnwood for lunch, comic talk and real-time comic-making. My goal was to look for a visual story and create the story arc on the fly, but I didn’t find one. It’s OK, though, because I had a lot of fun sketching small food court scenes and arranging them in a visually appealing, comic-y way. I think of any drawing like that as good practice for when I do see a story.

Sorry that I had to cut the spread to make the images large enough to be readable. In this case, it doesn’t matter if you read left to right first or top to bottom. But if sequence were important (as it should be for a true comic), I couldn’t necessarily cut it as I did. You can see the full spread below.

Technical note: Sometimes I feel cramped by the page-spread size of my usual A6-ish-size Uglybook, so this time I grabbed a larger-size Uglybook to see how that feels. It’s exactly double the size, and its opened-up landscape format has a long and narrow comic strip feel. I wouldn’t take this size on my walks, but it’s ideal for places like cafes and food courts where I have a table.

The full spread and the media I used: Pilot Juice and other acrylic pens and Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Dual Pens.

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