

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Four Kitties and a Pup


5/11/24 Cooper (reference photos for Cooper, CJ
and Zoey by Ana Reinert)

5/10/24 CJ

5/8/24 Zoey

Although I’m taking a break from my fundraising project for Dog Gone Seattle, I still look for opportunities to keep up my pet-sketching chops (and obviously because I enjoy drawing animals so much). If you read the Well-Appointed Desk, you may have seen my review of some fine-point pens I’ve used for whiskers and other fine details. The test sketches were three of Ana Reinert’s seven (at last count) cats, Zoey, CJ and Cooper, who look identical (to me . . . I’m sure mama has no problem telling those tabbies apart).

5/20/24 Luigi (reference photo by Bob Lazzari)

A fourth kitty, Luigi, was a pet recently lost by a Facebook friend. Luigi’s photos captured my heart, so I drew from one on a Field Notes notebook to surprise my friend with.

The lone pup who made it into this bunch is aging but still adorable Fritzie, whom I sketched while his human and I chatted in their apartment one afternoon. Patient and polite, Fritzie mostly napped on the carpet – until I started sketching, and then he wandered all over the room. (Another Murphy’s Law of urban sketching: Pets sleep until you pull out your sketchbook.) Nonetheless, this sketch was the most fun of these because I got to do it from life.

5/15/24 Fritzie, sketched in his livingroom


  1. You perfectly captured Zoey, J and Cooper's personalities, even if they do look a lot alike. In person, I have scale, fur texture and ton of voice which makes telling them apart a little easier. Also, I have 8... (shame face!) LOL

    1. I'm happy to hear I captured the look-alikes' personalities! Eight -- what a happy, pampered family they must be!!
