

Monday, April 15, 2024

Pink and Not

4/12/24 Evergreen Washelli cemetery, north Seattle

An errand nearby gave me an opportunity to take a morning walk through Evergreen Washelli cemetery. I was hoping to find some pink trees to sketch as I did last year, but the cherries were now long past their blossoms. This old cherry tree (above) had only a few petals remaining, but its elegant shape still deserved to be sketched.

The next day I walked through the ‘hood to see how the Kwanzans were doing. This street is one I watch each year for this small cluster of trees, now at peak.

4/13/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Years ago, I made most sketches with a wide variety of inks, colored pencils, watercolors and markers. Then I gradually became a watercolor pencil purist, a period that lasted several years. Now I seem to be swinging back in the mixed-media direction again. 

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