

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

One Last Time


1/28/24 The last of my amaryllis. I turned my square Hahnemuhle book diagonally to get as much height as possible. 

I had procrastinated in taking my amaryllis out to the compost bin, and I’m happy I did, because she had one more sketch left in her. Last year I made the last sketch earlier, so the blossoms had more color. This time, they were nearly black, but still showing grace all the way to the end.

Although the view is a bit foreshortened because I was looking down on it, I tried to be accurate in terms of scale, from pot to top. It was a good opportunity to include the leaves, which I had mostly ignored in my previous sketches because they were far below the blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you did one more sketch of the amaryllis! Nice to see the whole thing.
