

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

David at the Bridge Coffeehouse

12/8/23 David Hingtgen at The Bridge Coffeehouse, Seattle

Although I’d already enjoyed seeing David Hingtgen’s works a few weeks earlier, it was fun to see the artist himself in action when he invited me to The Bridge Coffeehouse last Friday. From behind his easel, he sketched the cafĂ©’s interior, and I got to see more of his sketchbook art in the books he had brought along to share.

David sketching the cafe

A few sketchbooks on display

After the show comes down on Jan. 15, I’ll be tickled to take home the kiwi on rollerskates, which was one of his enormously imaginative InkTober creations one year. 

Above David's shoulder is "Kiwi," which I will be happy to take home! (photo by Lori Hingtgen)


  1. Looks like you enjoyed watching him and seeing his work. I tried to enlarge the sketch you are taking but I couldn't get it to enlarge.

    1. If you click the link in the post where it says "kiwi on rollerskates," it will take you directly to his Instagram post of the art I bought!

    2. That's so fun!! I didn''t even see the link yesterday. I just kept trying to make the image bigger. lol
