

Friday, November 10, 2023

Street of Wet Color

11/6/23 Roosevelt neighborhood

An errand in the U-District gave me a new neighborhood for my leaf-peeping tour. I don’t like to drive there because parking is scarce, but the residential streets are worth seeing anyway, even if I can’t stop. Coming home through Roosevelt, I fell upon some more colorful streets that were close enough to walk to, but not on this morning – it was another day of non-stop rain.

Pulling over to catch this street of color, I didn’t even bother to turn on my wipers. When I finished, I stuck my sketchbook out the window to give the sketch some local DNA. Rain is here for the long haul – might as well embrace it. (When I start whining in January, feel free to quote me.)

In fact, rain has a benefit for both sketching and photography: It makes colors look richer and brighter.


  1. Wow! Just...WOW! The colors... Anne HwH

    1. Ditto - I was about to say the same. Stunning with the rain.

    2. It's enough to make you want to take a walk in the rain (almost)! ;-)

  2. I like the way you added a little DNA to the sketch. Sometimes the colors get brighter in the rain which is nice to see. Today we had one of those overcast, dismal shadows, no sun and no brightness. Although there is some color the lack of all three just dulls the color.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean.... we have a lot of those kinds of days ahead. :-(

    2. We can always use Ian Roberts' techniques on the dull days?

  3. Your photos are AMAZING, to say nothing of that brilliant sketch! How I love fall!
