

Monday, November 27, 2023

Art, Pastries and Community


11/21/23 The Bridge Coffeehouse, my croissant and Roy

Urban sketcher David Hingtgen has a new show at The Bridge Coffeehouse. An eclectic mix of urban sketches, whimsical, imaginative pieces, car portraits and landscapes, his work has taken over all the walls of the north Seattle café. Roy and I met there to check out the show, chat and sketch.

One of many things we discussed was the importance of friendship and how much we value our sketching community. It was an apt topic that morning as we munched pastries, sipped coffee, sketched the other patrons and admired David’s art.


  1. The sketching community is so great, and with the Urban Sketchers our community is very extensive. I've made a lot of good friends through sketching and I know you have too.
