

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Rainier Arts Center


10/18/22 Rainier Arts Center in Columbia City

After meeting friends for lunch in Columbia City last week, I drove around the neighborhood peeping leaves. I saw a lot of color, but what caught my eye to sketch were the classic columns of the Rainier Arts Center. Built in 1921 as a church, the community performing arts center building is of the neoclassical style, according to the center’s website.

By mid-afternoon, Columbia Park, most of its trees and the front of the building were in shade. The city’s alert system had just pinged my phone to let me know that the air quality level was now “unhealthy” for all, not just those with respiratory sensitivities. Sketching hastily to avoid prolonged smoke exposure, I tried to capture what little light I could see in the tops of the trees. The tiny spritzer I carry in my fitness-walking bag puts out heavy blasts of water compared to my favorite sprayer, so the foreground tree got a bit out of control. However, I ended up liking the high contrast it has with the muted building pushed into the background.

Although I couldn’t really see smoke at close range, my secondary triad mixes tend to have a smoky look. It’s ironic: I chose a secondary triad for autumn because orange, purple and green are perfect for changing foliage. Who knew it would be right for smoke season, too?


  1. I like the green/purple combination for the building. Looks good! Hope the air quality improves. It seems like it has been worse this year than in the past. Is it?

    1. A couple of years ago the smoke was much denser but it lasted only 2 weeks. This time it lasted for several weeks with only a couple of days of clearing in between. I was so happy when the rain finally came on Friday to wash the smoke away!
