

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Indie Bookstore Day


4/30/22 Ravenna Third Place Books shortly before opening time.

Saturday was national Independent Bookstore Day. Arriving a few minutes before it opened, I got a parking spot that gave me a similar view of Third Place Books in Ravenna as I sketched last year for the same event.

When the doors opened, people who had been waiting outside cheered, setting off the store’s festive mood. Kids got free balloons. I spun the wheel for a chance to win great prizes (mine was a piece of candy). I don’t think I’ll get around to all of Seattle’s indie bookstores this week to complete my passport (the day has been stretched out until May 9 this year to ease crowding), but I’m doing my best to support a few. I started with Blackwing pencils. For the second year, the pencil maker produced a limited-edition pencil that was for sale on April 30 only by indie book shops across the country.

After a drizzly morning, Saturday afternoon turned out surprisingly sunny and warm. I decided to take a top-down ride to Capitol Hill. Ada’s Technical Books & CafĂ©, where Urban Sketchers Seattle had sketched years ago, has a cute storefront that was probably a house at one time. I hadn’t been in that part of Capitol Hill since before the pandemic, though, so I didn’t know that an outdoor restaurant seating shelter had been put up – blocking my view of the store from across the street. As I sketched, I sadly thought of sketcher Lynne Cotie, who passed away last year. She was the one who had suggested that we sketch at Ada’s back in 2015.

4/30/22 Ada's Technical Books & Cafe

Afterwards, I went into the store for a snack and looked around briefly. As you might guess, I couldn’t think of a single “technical” book to buy, but one colorful item did catch my eye.

Lemon scone and a box of color enjoyed in the sunshine.


  1. I was a day early for Independent Bookstore Day. Suzala and I visited one in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on Friday. Nice that you were able to get to two and sketch them both...and make purchases too.

    1. I'm still hoping to get to one or more bookstores this week if I can!

  2. I went out for Indie Bookstore Day and snagged a pack of Blackwing pencils too! Joy!

    1. Yay! Good for you! I love the colors on these! - Tina (wish I didn't have to be anonymous on my own blog, but Google won't let me comment as my account. :-( )
