

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Convenient Pink (and Winner!)


3/23/22 Maple Leaf neighborhood

I was getting ready to go out for some petal peeping and sketching when it started to rain. Disappointed, I looked out the front window and saw that our neighbor David’s cherry tree across the street was suddenly in full bloom. It seems to happen overnight with that tree, and then it’s over just as quickly. In any case, it was fortuitous for me: I could sketch it from the comfort of my livingroom.

Despite its convenience, I don’t sketch David’s cherry every year because his car or his neighbor’s car often blocks it. I did catch it a couple of years ago (on March 26) and in 2018 (though not till April 6). As I do every fall with the same maples, I enjoy sketching the same blossoming trees in different years to track the dates when they are at peak.

Giveaway Winner!

Hetty, entrant No. 9, is the winner of my blog’s 10th anniversary giveaway! (Congratulations, Hetty! Please email me at tina.k(at)juno(dot)com with your shipping address!) Thank you to all who left comments (and also to those who read but remain silent)! I appreciate your encouragement and feedback!


  1. I think the car adds something to the sketch. It is so hard to find something to sketch without a vehicle in the scene. No sighting of any pinks (or yellows) on trees or bushes today. But I have noticed some flowers...mostly daffs.

    1. The cherries are already peaking in most neighborhoods now! I'm surprised because we had such an unusually cold winter.

  2. Wow, I won?! Thank you, you made my day!
