

Monday, August 16, 2021

Clean Air at Ballard Locks

8/15/21 Salmon Bay Bridge

Prompting much relief from all of us, the smoke from the past few days blew off, and we could breathe easily for the USk Seattle sketch outing at the Ballard Locks. I knew I hadn’t been there in a while, and my records show that the last time was nearly four years agothe last time USk Seattle met there.

As I often am, I was again attracted to the Salmon Bay Bridge. When I began the sketch, the sky was overcast, but by the time I finished, I was standing in full sun.

Looking for some shade on the garden side of the park, I found a big banana plant, and I was happy to see that the primary triad I’ve been using gave my sketch a summery, tropical look. It was terrific to see that clean, clear blue sky again.


  1. The triad you are using seems very versatile. Nice to see the transition from overcast to sunny. Really great capture of the banana leaf plant too! We are socked in with bad air quality from the Dixie fire and fire weather watches starting tomorrow, so I know what you mean by finding relief about clear skies!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Cathy! I'm sorry to hear that smoke is in your air too... take care, and I hope you'll be breathing better air soon!

  2. This triad seems to work well for a lot of your subjects, maybe because it makes such rich shadows. Nice sketches!
