

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Daily Walks

6/23/21 Mt. Rainier from Maple Leaf Park

Although I’ve been gradually getting back to “normal” in many ways, a few habits and behaviors I developed during the pandemic are things that I intend to continue indefinitely. One is the regular walks we’ve been taking through the neighborhood. As we’ve started adding back in some pre-pandemic activities, we haven’t been walking as often as we used to, but we still go as often as possible.

Far beyond the fitness benefits, walking regularly has given us a greater appreciation for the neighborhood in which we’ve lived for more than three decades. In addition to being more familiar with the architecture, we know more now about the rhythm and cycles of plants and trees. Although we don’t know most of the people inside the homes, we know who has a new roof (or needs one), who has painted, and who has friendly dogs that wag instead of bark when we walk by. And we have met some neighbors – usually not through conversations but by waves and nods to people who are now familiar, walking the same routes as we do.

6/29/21 (Not quite an urban couch, but I couldn't resist the Christmas tree)

Of course, there’s also the sketching. I don’t sketch on every walk, but on every walk I’m looking for a sketch – either to make on the spot or eventually. When I think there might be sketch potential, I observe more closely – and the more closely I observe, the more I see – even when I’ve seen the same things nearly every day for more than a year. It’s a habit I don’t want to lose.

6/19/21 Green Lake

7/1/21 Walking on a street in our wider periphery, we found a yard
with many ducks and hens! I'll be back to sketch here again.

7/1/21 ducks

5/18/21 pinwheel palm


  1. Glad to see you've found some new sketch ideas on your walks as well as continued with some others. I like your birds!

    1. I have to go back and sketch these ducks and chickens some more... so much fun!

  2. That distinction between actually sketching and "looking for a sketch" is a fun one. Though I haven't been sketching for quite a while, I can't go anywhere without looking at everything as a potential sketch. One of the best (maybe the only good thing) things about my last few months has been that my wife had to drive me everywhere (mostly to and from doctors and hospitals). It was wonderful not to be the driver so I could stare out the window, looking at stuff I could draw.

    1. Very true -- I look at everything as a potential sketch, too... even thinking about the time of day that might be best to eventually sketch it. Hope to see you getting out more for some ACTUAL sketching soon!
