

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Suck It In


6/21/21 Maple Leaf alley
Our “heat dome” had promised blistering temps by afternoon, but it was still lovely in the low 70s when I went out for my morning walk. Glancing down this alley, I saw that The Brothers were perfectly framed, and I figured I’d have the alley to myself. Just after spritzing the page, I had to turn sideways and suck it in to let a car pass through, causing the drip. But that’s urban sketching – and I love every drip.


  1. The Japanese Maple gives this a nice touch of color. Nice shading in this.

  2. The sky, the sky! You gave such layering energy to the blues of your sky, It is very lovely, Tina! The mountains at the end of the view, you call them, the 'two brothers' , which peaks are they, actually? It is so good you are in the Seattle area, I miss it, and through you I am reminded of the timeless beauty of its nature, and the urban energy of the city!

    1. I'm happy to hear that my sketches remind you of your time in Seattle! The Brothers is the actual name of the peak, which is part of the Olympic Mountain range to the west.
