

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Santo Coffee Co.


5/28/21 Santo Coffee patrons

One of many things I had missed dearly during the past 14 months was sketching in coffee shops. After being vaccinated, I had been wanting to do it, but I was still a little uncertain about spending time indoors in public places. I needed a little push. Then I got an invitation from Carol and Natalie, and it was the push I needed.

When Rip Van Winkle woke up at Santo Coffee, she blinked her eyes and realized she had forgotten how to sketch real-life people! I had a clear view of the man just outside the window and the bright red Jump bike next to him, but I didn’t get far before another guy sat down inside and blocked that view. Oh, that’s right… that’s what urban sketching is about! The cafĂ© felt busy and noisy, and I felt out of place, but it helped to have good friends (figuratively) holding my hand. I had certainly missed them, too.

Once again, the result is not my best, but I will always remember it as my first post-vax sketch at a coffee shop and part of my ongoing re-entry to the public world.


  1. I still haven't ventured into a coffee shop...maybe because we seem to have a lot fewer here than you do there. Glad your friends were there to encourage you and hold you hand. Nicely done!!

    1. I was happy to be with my friends, but I'm not sure about being indoors anywhere... still taking baby steps!
