

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Facing East


4/16/21 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Knowing that by afternoon our upstairs deck would be too warm, I went out in the morning. Trees across the street shimmered with backlighting. Some trees have foliage in April that’s more yellow-orange than green and look oddly like fall. But the sky, the slant of the shadows, the color of the light – they all shouted spring.

That dark reddish blur on the left, by the way, is one of the ornamental plums I sketched a few weeks ago. They were fun to sketch that day, but usually they just block my view. I let the texture of the Stonehenge cold-press paper do the work of conveying their annoying presence.


  1. Great spring greens! I love how bright the colors can get right now.

    1. The color, the light, the angle of the sun, the length of the day -- it all makes me more optimistic!
