

Thursday, January 21, 2021



1/20/21 President Biden and Vice President Harris (live video)

Four years ago, I refused to watch the presidential inaugural ceremony. He was not my president, and I would not acknowledge him in that office. It was probably the only inauguration I’ve missed as an adult.

Yesterday I woke feeling hopeful and optimistic that President Joe Biden will move us forward in the right direction again. Watching Kamala Harris being sworn in as the first Asian American and African American woman Vice President filled me with pride in my country again (for the first time in four years). It feels good. Our troubles are not over, but it feels good to have leaders again.


  1. It is nice to not dread what is coming next. I also refused to watch the prior inauguration and never, ever, referred to him as "president." Joe and Kamala give me hope for the future!

    1. Yes! Hope at last. And it was such a relief to see yesterday's ceremonies without worrying anymore about possible attacks!
