

Monday, December 14, 2020

Snowy Evening


No two alike!
This is not so much a review of Field Notes Brand’s latest limited-edition notebook, Snowy Evening, as it is a note of appreciation. I don’t necessarily like every notebook design the Chicago company makes (Clandestine did nothing for me in either theme or appearance, and the only thing I liked about Utility was its hilarious promotional video). What I love, though, even when I’m not a fan of a specific product, is Field Notes’ desire and commitment to try something innovative. (My review at the Well-Appointed Desk shows how I appreciated the previous Field Notes edition.) 

Snowy Evening may have topped them all in terms of a simple pocket notebook concept that has not been attempted (as far as I know) by any other notebook maker: Every single one of the 99,999 books produced in this edition has a unique, digitally printed design of a snowflake on its cover, and each is also uniquely numbered. (This article explains how it was done.) I do happen to love both the theme (based on Robert Frost’s poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”) and the lovely design, but even more, I love the sheer audacity of executing such a product.

Bonus: A few weeks before the product launched, Field Notes put out a call to its subscribers to submit photos showing how they use their notebooks. I was tickled to discover that one of my images was used in the promotional video! It appears at 1:13, but don’t blink or you’ll miss it!


  1. Love those covers!! I saw your cool to be included!

  2. I'm not a subscriber but I've bought several sets, mostly from the National Parks series. I do seem to be some kind of collector!
