

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My 10-Block Radius

5/11/20 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Now that my urban sketching radius is about 10 walking blocks, my subject matter is limited. It’s helpful, though, that I’ve always had low standards and expectations, so anything that ends up in my sketchbook is still better than nothing: Each sketch still teaches me something. In fact, if I shuffled all the sketches I’ve made in the past nine years and randomly picked a few, more than likely the subject matter would not be much different from these, even if those sketches were not made during a pandemic. Potentially deadly virus notwithstanding, I have nothing to complain about. The urban sketching life is still good.

Life is still good.

Edited 5/25/20: Here's a video interview with a man after my own heart: “You can pretty much draw anything,” he says. You don’t have to go out and draw fantastic cathedrals or glorious townscapes.” And he sketches garbage bins!




  1. The local subjects are the things I enjoy seeing. I even enjoy repeats of the same scenes! Keep them coming.

    1. Thanks, Joan! I'm seeing the same scenes over and over, so I'm afraid you're going to, too! ;-)

  2. "I’ve always had low standards and expectations,..."

    The best sketcher survival tactic for sure. If you can't enjoy painting an apple, you just ain't trying. If you must sketch something spectacular, you have missed the point :-)
