

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ivy-Covered Kwanzan

4/21/20 Maple Leaf neighborhood

On one of our neighborhood walks, I spotted this late-blooming Kwanzan variety of cherry tree that was still at peak. Distinctively bright pink instead of nearly white as many decorative cherries are, it’s irresistible. An unusual feature of this tree is that its entire trunk is covered with ivy, and the ivy is climbing up into many of its branches, too. A few days later, I went out in my mobile studio to capture it before the pink was gone.


  1. Love this one! You captured the fullness of all the blossoms and the depth of color in the ivy. Keeping most of the rest of the sketch without color makes the blossoms even more prominent. Bravo!

    1. Thanks so much, Joan! I was thrilled to have found this tree so close to home.
