

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Palette of Optimism


My nose tells me that spring is in the air. I’m not talking about the scent of blossoms and new grass. I’m talking about the sneezing and itchy sinuses that greet me every year around this time. Despite the misery of the next few months, I’m optimistic that the worst of winter is over, and although it’s still a bit premature, I updated my palette for spring.

Rose Portrait (582) and Crimson Aubergine (599)
When the plums and cherries start blooming, I always have difficulty capturing both their near-white, pale pink blossoms and their shadowy side. It’s a cooler pink than I expect, but I don’t want lavender. This year I’m using Rose Portrait (582), which I found in the Caran d’Ache Supracolor 30th anniversary limited edition set. I can tell already that it’s too peachy for sakura, but I’d rather err on the side of too warm than too cool. For shadows, I chose Crimson Aubergine (599), also from the limited edition set.

I probably won’t see cherry blossoms for another month, but just carrying these colors around in my bag makes me happy and hopeful.

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