

Monday, February 24, 2020

First Sunshine of the Decade

2/20/20 Maple Leaf neighborhood

The media around here like to exaggerate the weather. But last week it was factual, not exaggeration, when a local news station reported that “after 80 straight days of clouds, Seattle FINALLY has first sunny day of the decade.” Hallelujah! We all dashed out for a much-needed dose of vitamin D.

My sketch of Mt. Rainier was done the first day of our short run of sunshine, but it was still cold then. Two days later, we were miraculously still soaking up the D, and the temperature was a balmy 44 degrees. Feeling overdressed in my usual winter coat, I sketched a deflated Starbucks umbrella and then three Jump bikes in the ‘hood. Even the mundane seems special when you can sketch them in the sunshine.

2/20/20 Roosevelt Square Starbucks

1 comment:

  1. A touch of sunshine and some strong shadows make the day! Nicely done!!
