

Monday, December 23, 2019

Maple Leaf Palm

12/17/19 Maple Leaf neighborhood

To me, palm trees evoke the desert climate of southern California, so I’m always amused when I see one in Seattle. A horticulturalist once told me that the ones we see around here are Chinese windmill (or pinwheel) palms, or Trachycarpus fortunei, a variety that doesn’t mind cold and rain. Our neighbors across the street have a small one (currently decorated with festive lights), which I especially enjoyed sketching when it was covered with snow a couple years ago. My favorites are the tall pair growing inexplicably in front of the Wedgwood Top Pot Doughnuts.

Walking through the ‘hood last week, I spotted this palm in front of a quintessential Craftsman-style bungalow that Seattle is full of. Seeing them together (with a mandatory trash can, of course) tickled me.


  1. Palm trees in Seattle. What will they think of next? I remember palm trees from my ill-spent youth in Arizona. Haven't seen one since. Merry Christmas to you and Greg, Tina.

    1. Thanks, Larry! Happy holidays to you and your family, too!

  2. Nice job on the bungalow and the palm tree...nice combo!

    1. Thanks! They do look kind of cool together, don't they!
