

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Drawing Conflict

9/16/19 Pete, 2-min. poses
9/16/19 Pete, 5-min. pose

Committed to attending weekly life drawing sessions at Gage this quarter, I was happy to hear that the weather forecast for last Monday was rain – I thoroughly enjoy spending a rainy afternoon drawing a model. But when Monday afternoon came around, the sky was sunny and clear! It was so tempting to sketch outdoors instead . . . yet I wanted to go to Gage, too. What to do, what to do?

I arrived at the school earlier than usual and looked around the parking lot . . . surely there would be something to draw in the warm sunshine. I’ve mentioned it before – if I view all subject matter as nothing more than abstract, three-dimensional forms in shade or light instead of rocks or nude men wielding swords, everything is a fascinating study.

9/16/19 Rocks, 2-min. pose

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