

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Opportunistic Sketcher

5/1/19 Northgate Mall parking lot

After a quick errand at the Northgate Macy’s, my plan was to go to Green Lake, where I had earlier seen a platoon of cement mixers gearing up for a big job. I couldn’t stop then to sketch them, but I was hoping I still might. 

Right there in the Northgate parking lot, however, a bright red machine with something that looked like a giant screw was getting into position. With its wheels jacked up off the ground, it looked somewhat precarious; things were changing fast, so I knew I had to act quickly. Hmmm . . . those cement mixers might be gone by the time I got back there . . . Is an auger in the hand worth several cement mixers in the bush? Yes.


  1. Wise move to sketch what you know you had in front of you. Nice job!

    1. Thanks! Ha-ha... I'm sure you've taken advantage of whatever was close at hand, too! ;-)
