

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Endorphins and Caffeine

1/16/19 Green Lake Starbucks

If I arrive at my neighborhood Starbucks by 6:30 a.m., I’ll see a large group of runners who have just finished their laps around Green Lake and regularly congregate afterwards for coffee. High on endorphins, they are all fit, energetic, happily chatting and laughing. Ready to face their day, they move on quickly – no lingering after 7 a.m. – so they disappeared long before I finished my sketch. Fortunately, I had blocked in the whole composition quickly so that I could finish without them. (I’m getting into my secondary triad palette!)

It’s nice to see their vibrant socializing when most of the other patrons look more like the guy at left, staring at his phone and waiting for the caffeine to kick in.


  1. Ha! The image of the sketchers seems to emphasize their energy with the colors you used.

    1. Their "suspenders" really were bright reflective yellow-orange! ;-)

  2. They found a way to wake up and energize for the day. Nice sketch of them!! You are an early bird to be out sketching them at 6:30 am.

    1. I don't usually get out that early to sketch! But when I do, I know where I can find lively people to sketch.
