

Saturday, November 17, 2018


11/11/18 Flavel House

Although we visit Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast nearly every year, this week we tried something new by stopping first in Astoria. A port city on the mouth of the Columbia River, Astoria has several historic attractions, and at the top of our list to visit was the Flavel House Museum. (I haven’t seen the 1985 film The Goonies, but apparently this museum was featured in it.) I had just enough late-afternoon light dipping below the trees to sketch the house itself, which is in the Queen Anne architectural style.

I didn’t sketch much inside (small lamp inset in sketch above), but we enjoyed seeing the period furnishings, especially the beautiful woodcased tub.

11/11/18 Astoria Column
The sun was going down by the time we got to the 125-foot Astoria Column, which was built in 1926. Huffing and puffing up the spiral staircase, Greg and I had déjà vu of our climb to the top of the clock tower in Coimbra, Portugal. (We met a local man on the staircase who goes up and down the column six times a day as part of his workout routine!) Once we got out to the viewing platform, however, our workout was rewarded with a sunset and spectacular view of Young’s Bay, the Coast Range, the Columbia and even a bit of the Pacific.

A long climb up this spiral staircase!

11/11/18 The view from the Baked Alaska cafe where we had lunch.


  1. Glad your stop in Astoria had some high points. lol Nice sketch of the architecture.
